La Park. Getting out of home, breaking out of the routine.
A leisure and entertainment complex intended for the entire family, possessing a unique concept and located at the heart of the Park, a touch away from nature. The complex is tailored to suit the pastoral ambience of the Park and it offers a unique recreational experience for the whole family. Beside the entertainment and shopping experience as well as the culinary experience, the visitors will have a sensation of calmness and quality time at the heart of the green Park. La Park spans over an area of approximately 6,200 square meters and it is divided into two levels overlooking the central plaza which is intended for events and activities and also comprises a charming musical playground for children as well as an illuminated lake with spectacular fountains offering enjoyable sailing in boats. The complex creates and promotes diverse events and activities on a regular basis as well as specific occasional events. For example – folk dancing, activities for children and families, shows and performances, local festivals, displays, exhibitions, orchestras, fairs, workshops, screening sports games on the digital screen positioned at the plaza and more. The complex is strategically located and it is easily accessible. Throughout the complex there are about 2,120 visitors parking spaces, free of charge.
For Children
The “La Park” complex is an integral part of the vision of the City of Holon and its branding as Israel’s “Children’s City”. “La Park” is situated nearby the Israel Children’s Museum which constitutes a national anchor within the fields of entertainment and culture for children.