Ice Peaks

The Ice Peaks - Ice Hall

The Ice Peaks Ice Hall – The Ice Peaks Network of Ice Skating Centers is a network of ice skating and ice hockey centers operating in Israel.

Presently, the network manages and activates an ice skating center in Holon and it plans to establish two additional centers throughout Israel.
The Ice Peaks Ice Hall in Holon in a multi-purpose center that serves as a center for figure skating on ice, ice hockey trainings and speed skating on ice as well as an entertainment and leisure attractions center intended for the entire family. It also functions as a center of events, performances, conventions and birthdays.
Please pay attention – an array of agreements with institutional bodies and diverse consumer clubs such as Hever, Isracard, Leumi Card, BeHatsdaa, the Tov Club, the Yours (Shelcha) Club, Mega Lean and more, came into force at the Ice Peaks Ice Hall in Holon.
It is worthwhile to enter the websites of the clubs to which you pertain in order to subscribe or download coupons.

It is advisable to arrive to the complex dressed in warm clothes.




Square meters of the skating rink